Gurus & Game Changers

Food as Medicine? | Ep 019

Stacey Grant

Hey Gurus and Game Changers, join us as we uncover the intricate connection between what we eat and how we heal. In our enlightening chat with Antanas, a nourishment guide and embodiment coach, we delve into his personal tale of resilience—opting for nutrition over medication in his initial fight against HIV. Listen in as we dissect the nuanced difference between food and nutrition and learn from Antanas' practical tips on whole eating, such as soaking beans, and how to approach food as a healing tool. His story isn't just about the choices we make at the dinner table, but a testament to the belief in the restorative power of what we consume.

The journey to wellness often traverses through valleys of hardships, and this is especially true for our guest who faced down cryptococcal meningitis with a mere 24 T cells to his name. Explore the meticulous medical dance required to rebuild an immune system before commencing HIV treatment, and be inspired by his remarkable health comeback. But it's not just about survival; Antanas invites us to revel in life's pleasures, emphasizing that true nourishment extends far beyond the ingredients—it's about connection, support, and the joy of preparation. With Antanas' insights, we'll help you cultivate a more intentional and nurturing relationship with the meals you create.

Finally, step into the world of culinary gadgets and tricks that elevate our nutritional intake. We share personal anecdotes on the value of high-quality ingredients, from the significance of water, salt, and fats, to the surprising benefits of eating butter by the spoonful. Antanas cautions against hydrogenated oils and champions the practice of soaking nuts to unlock their full potential. But beyond the practical tips, we plant the seeds of a legacy—a Pleasure Monastery of sorts—where one can live at choice, unburdened by past traumas and indulging in the simple, healthful pleasures of life. Don't miss the chance to engage with Antanas further and enrich your own food journey at

About Gurus and Game Changers: 

The Gurus and Game Changers Podcast  focuses on individuals with unique insights and solutions based on their life experiences. 
Listen and you will find:

  1. Life insights
  2. Overcoming obstacles
  3. Unconventional success
  4. Personal growth stories
  5. Unique life journeys
  6. Self-discovery
  7. Inspirational life lessons
  8. Authentic success
  9. Niche expertise
  10. Non-traditional success stories

Inspirational journeys abound when you listen to some of our guests as they describe their personal transformation with unconventional wisdom with real-life stories. Their
empowering narratives and life-changing experiences showcase triumph over adversity, resilience and perseverance.

At Gurus and Game Changers we thrive on authentic storytelling and non-traditional paths to success described with empowering voices. These motivational insights
laden with turning points, lessons learned and a testament to inner growth will lead to your own journey to self-discovery.

These inspirational role models or 'Wild Ducks' as they've been described always come with a positive mindset in describing transformative experiences and evolving perspectives.


PLEASE NOTE: **The views expressed by participants, including hosts and guests, are their own and not necessarily endorsed by the podcast. Reference to any spe

00:02 - Stacey (Host)

Hey listeners, before we delve into today's episode, I just want to take a minute to address the sensitive nature of the content that we'll be discussing today. At Gurus and Game Changers, we want to provide information and we want to foster open conversations, but I really want to emphasize that the topics we're covering today revolve around dietary restrictions. So I want to make it like unequivocally clear that the information that we share in this episode is not intended as medical advice. So just want to let you know that we don't condone or support any dietary or physical restrictions without the explicit approval and supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. So that's all with the biz. Now on with the show, mark. 

00:40 - Mark (Host)

Stacey. How are you today?

00:42 - Stacey (Host)

are you today? 

00:43 - Mark (Host)

It's always the behind the scenes stuff that you guys don't hear, or see, how are you? Today. I am great. How are you? 

00:48 - Stacey (Host)

I'm fantastic. 

00:49 - Mark (Host)

I'm out of the hospital. I was in the hospital. Yes, I was serious, yeah. 

00:53 - Stacey (Host)

I'm in there. What 12? I did not die. I was in the hospital for seven days with an infection and I think about that because our guest today was in the hospital for, I think, 136 days and as I was in the hospital, could you imagine I was thinking about him being in there for that many days and nights and honestly I couldn't do it. 

01:15 - Mark (Host)

No, Mentally it's. 

01:18 - Stacey (Host)

For anyone who's been in the hospital, like I feel, for you, I mean, it's one of those things that you won't know, unless you're there, how difficult it is. And Antanas had many, many days in the hospital, but he made a choice. He decided to treat himself with healthy foods. 

01:36 - Mark (Host)

Instead of conventional ways. 

01:37 - Stacey (Host)

For HIV. 

01:38 - Mark (Host)


01:39 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, think about that. 

01:41 - Mark (Host)

That's a bold choice, but he was convinced that he could do it, and he did. 

01:46 - Stacey (Host)

He did. He did, I mean he eventually needed to go on medication which saved his life. But yeah, we don't want to give away the whole podcast. 

01:53 - Mark (Host)

Right, he's in there. 

01:55 - Stacey (Host)

He gives us hints, he tells us how to soak your beans. 

01:58 - Mark (Host)

There's a lot of good hints in here for eating right eating, healthy eating, whole focusing on the difference between food and nutrition. 

02:05 - Stacey (Host)


02:06 - Mark (Host)

Right At its most fundamental level. There's a lot of good Food. Is medicine it really? 

02:10 - Stacey (Host)

really, really is. 

02:12 - Mark (Host)


02:13 - Stacey (Host)

I mean I know when I was in the hospital, not to make it about me again, but it's always about you, so I can't even make it about me one time, Mark. 

02:19 - Mark (Host)

But fair enough. 

02:19 - Stacey (Host)

When I was in the hospital, the nurse said to me you have to eat because I couldn't eat the one bonus of being sick you lose some weight, which is terrible, but it is the truth. But if I didn't eat food I was going to get even sicker. 

02:33 - Mark (Host)

What about that? So I had to eat disgusting eggs. Yeah, sorry, hospital food. 

02:40 - Stacey (Host)

I love Paley Hospital, but that food Anyway. So food is medicine, yeah, and Antanas talks about that and he talks about different gadgets that he uses for his food. And I know because I used to get bean sprouts from them and I was at one point really into making shakes and healthy foods and I had him cook over. He can help you compost Like he's really a smart. 

03:01 - Mark (Host)

A wealth of knowledge. 

03:02 - Stacey (Host)

He's so much. 

03:03 - Mark (Host)

As he's lived it, and he still lives it. He's lived it for decades, though, and he still lives it. Yeah, his family he grew up in a family that lived it, so there's a lot to be learned here. It's good stuff. 

03:13 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, so today take a listen to Antanas. Hi, I'm Stacy. 

03:20 - Mark (Host)

And I am Mark, and this is the Guru's Game Changers Podcast. Welcome, welcome, mark. I am so excited today. 

03:30 - Stacey (Host)

So excited. Welcome Gurus, welcome Game Changers, because today I have a dear friend and a nourishment, guide and embodiment coach, Antanas Linus. Did I say that right? 

03:44 - Antanas (Guest)

Pretty much Welcome, thank you Pretty much Say it again. 

03:48 - Mark (Host)

Say it the right way. 

03:48 - Antanas (Guest)

Vainous, vainous, Antanas, vainous. I can give you a phonetic spell, and that's Greek right? No, it's Lithuanian. 

03:56 - Stacey (Host)

It's Lithuanian. 

03:57 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, okay. 

03:59 - Stacey (Host)

So tell me about how foods impacted you as you've grown up. Like I know, you've used it for help with you when you've been sick, and not feeling well, yeah, you know when did it start, where you really were like listen, I'm going to use this food as my medicine. 

04:12 - Antanas (Guest)

About Western medicine, I would not be sitting here. Western medicine saved my ass. 

04:18 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, you're in the hospital. I think you said for 97 days and then, another 35. 

04:23 - Antanas (Guest)

35, which happened? Just why were you? 

04:25 - Stacey (Host)

in the hospital. 

04:28 - Antanas (Guest)

Because I had a fungal infection of my spine juice. Jesus and my brain yeah, yeah it was, and you know. So they pumped me all filled, pumped me with all kinds of antibiotics. 

04:41 - Stacey (Host)


04:42 - Antanas (Guest)

And then to viral. But again, I had incredible support. My parents were bringing me food so I didn't have to really eat the hospital food. That's great. Yeah, because you don't know where the hell that comes from. 

04:57 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, no for you. You're not going to want to eat hospital food. 

05:02 - Antanas (Guest)

So, like food has been, there's that phrase let food be your medicine. That's kind of how I've lived Like connected to the earth. So you mentioned that I was in the hospital for 97 days, which is when you came to visit me. 

05:18 - Stacey (Host)


05:20 - Antanas (Guest)

And then recently for 35 days, which is like a lot of hospital time. 

05:25 - Stacey (Host)

It's a lot of hospital time. 

05:26 - Antanas (Guest)

It's a lot of hospital time. 

05:27 - Stacey (Host)

So what was it? That you needed and why. 

05:31 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, these nuclear level pharmaceuticals, like chemo level type drugs, they were put into my body so that you would live. I would live and like actually they were serving my body to like kill the stuff. That's not about supporting life, while I feel like my spirit was like figuring out what it was meant to do. 

05:58 - Stacey (Host)

Wow. So what were you diagnosed with when you were in the hospital? 

06:01 - Antanas (Guest)

Cryptococcal meningitis oh Jesus, yeah, it was nasty, and then I had no immune system. 

06:07 - Stacey (Host)

Right, because you have. The meningitis did it or was it from Well? 

06:12 - Antanas (Guest)

actually the meningitis was the result of not having your pre-existing condition. Yeah, Like the. Hiv was something that I dealt with and was dealing with. 

06:25 - Stacey (Host)

How many years before you had the meningitis did you know that you had AIDS, or was it HIV? Was it HIV? Yeah? 

06:32 - Antanas (Guest)

So when I got to the hospital, they took my T cells, which is the indicator. 

06:36 - Stacey (Host)


06:37 - Antanas (Guest)

So I had 24. Whoa, which is not very much. 

06:40 - Stacey (Host)

How many are you supposed to have? Do you know? 

06:42 - Antanas (Guest)

Between 400 and like 24 on us 1500. 

06:46 - Stacey (Host)

Oh, my gosh, that is so scary. 

06:49 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, yeah, definitely yeah. 

06:51 - Stacey (Host)

So then you took the medicine at that point. 

06:53 - Antanas (Guest)

No, they had to wait until my immune system started reconstituting, because if you start too early you can actually get really sick and die, and that's kind of what they were scaring me with and I'm like I don't. It's called iris, it's like immune reconstitution, something syndrome. 

07:11 - Stacey (Host)

So they pumped you full of medications that helped you get your immune system to a certain level in order to be able to take them at the other men Exactly. 

07:18 - Antanas (Guest)

Exactly. It's not straightforward. It's really quite a complex process and the team at Jefferson, they have been incredible. 

07:28 - Stacey (Host)

They have been so I mean, I saw you in that hospital bed and it was scary. It was scary, but you look so fantastic now. Thanks, Thank you yeah. 

07:37 - Antanas (Guest)

I mean I feel great, I feel good. I mean I feel like I'm still recovering. 

07:41 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, it's still going to take a minute. You lost a ton of weight. 

07:45 - Antanas (Guest)

I did. I was like 130 something pounds and you're like what 63? 62. 62. And I'm starting to. I'm gaining weight. You look awesome, Thanks. 

07:54 - Mark (Host)

Yeah, you're very resilient. 

07:56 - Stacey (Host)


07:56 - Antanas (Guest)

I'm really resilient. 

07:58 - Mark (Host)


07:58 - Antanas (Guest)

I'm really really. 

08:00 - Mark (Host)

You've faced a lot and you're coming back. 

08:01 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, and I'm coming back. So that's, in a way, I feel like my life is a game changing life. 

08:09 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, it is a game changing life. 

08:10 - Antanas (Guest)

Because most people would be like I can't do this. 

08:14 - Mark (Host)

Not only once, but twice. Oh my god, what kept you going mentally? 

08:19 - Antanas (Guest)

I feel like I'm here to do big things and I got a confirmation from the woman I was calling, deborah, to get Robin's number, and so when I found Robin, I went to see her. I think I saw her like eight times and she's like I don't say this, but you know, you got some big shit to do and I was like no pressure, thank you yeah. 

08:56 - Mark (Host)

Do you know what that? 

08:57 - Antanas (Guest)

is yeah, what is? 

08:57 - Mark (Host)

it. Have you wrapped your head around I? 

09:00 - Antanas (Guest)

think it's around nourishment and embodiment. Yeah, about nourishment, embodiment and pleasure. To invite people like we're not in hell, mm-hmm. Life is not about suffering. Life is about pleasure and connection and intimacy and closeness and support. 

09:16 - Stacey (Host)

I'm going to let you explain what you mean by nourishment guide and embodiment coach. 

09:24 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, we don't have enough time. 

09:26 - Stacey (Host)

Well, let's try and do it in like 45 seconds. 

09:28 - Antanas (Guest)

Okay, great. So there's To step back. There's food, there's rug ingredients and then there's nourishment and there's a process between each one, like there really isn't much food out there, like you very gently and sort of sheepishly were like you don't want to look at my snacks Because you know that it's not food. We know that it's not food. 

09:57 - Stacey (Host)


09:58 - Antanas (Guest)

It collides with our body's natural, Natural abilities. So audience. 

10:04 - Stacey (Host)

I showed on Tana's my snack. 

10:07 - Mark (Host)

The snack bar is here in the studio. 

10:09 - Stacey (Host)

It is. 

10:10 - Mark (Host)

Processed. Pringles and it is processed. It's processed. It's processed in plastic Protein bars and skittles and all these things. 

10:20 - Stacey (Host)

And on Tana's, what is your thought? That's not nourishment right, it's lovely. 

10:25 - Antanas (Guest)

Yes, it's very beautiful to look at. In fact, I might make a bracelet out of these skittles Because they'll be very colorful. 

10:33 - Mark (Host)

They're good at it. Better on your body than in your body is what you're saying. 

10:38 - Antanas (Guest)

And it's okay. So there's the raw ingredients, and then the process of going from raw ingredients to nourishment. There are these timeless steps of properly preparing your food. For example, all seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, they all need to be soaked, including wheat grain, like the monocot grains, which are wheat, spelt, einkorn, rye, barley. And the thing is, most people, we're all allergic to gluten. 

11:20 - Stacey (Host)


11:20 - Antanas (Guest)

We're all allergic. We all have some kind of sensitivity. 

11:23 - Stacey (Host)

Or intolerance, yeah. 

11:24 - Antanas (Guest)

Because gluten digestion is all about making big things small so that they can fit in ourselves. And these proper food preparation principles I call them PPPs. They prepare everything for our body so like, and each soaking time is different. 

11:52 - Mark (Host)

It's funny because it sounds like to move from food to nourishment is a lot of work, right. 

11:58 - Antanas (Guest)

A lot of work, a lot of time. 

12:00 - Mark (Host)

So where, at what point, did you move from food, from understanding food as just something, to putting your body to I'm going to nourish myself and I'm going to help nourish others. 

12:14 - Antanas (Guest)

I want to step back a little bit. You're saying it's a lot of time. It actually isn't a lot of time. It really really is. 

12:20 - Stacey (Host)

It's preparation, it's preparation. 

12:23 - Antanas (Guest)

You just have to have like the birds eye view and be like tomorrow I'm going to want pancakes or oatmeal. 

12:29 - Stacey (Host)

Right, it's before that yeah. 

12:32 - Antanas (Guest)

And then, like you, soak the oatmeal steel, cut in water, lemon juice, whey or little apple raw apple cider vinegar, and that starts to break down the grain To help you digest this food. 

12:46 - Stacey (Host)

So you sprout it, so you can help digest the food. But back to Mark's question, which is going to be my next question. So, growing up, what was your relationship with food and how did you get to this level of knowledge? 

12:57 - Antanas (Guest)

Is it your dad who's sitting there? 

13:00 - Stacey (Host)

Who helped you get there. 

13:04 - Antanas (Guest)

You know, I grew up Lithuanian. My grandmother Baba, my dad's mother, in the basement of the house in Queens, new York, and I was barely high enough to see into the stove and she had one of these like little stoves with four burners and an oven and like she was baking, she was cooking stuff and I was just fascinated. I was just fascinated Like the fascination with food started way earlier I. You know, I think I've been destined to like make food during this incarnation. You know and nourish. When you are connected, then you know what you're drawn to eat, because there's wisdom constantly coming through your body. 

13:49 - Mark (Host)

But if you were auditing, say my diet, right, oh God. And you were to say, all right, mark number one, where's your food coming from? All right, I would have to answer that question, weigmans or health? 

13:59 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, health foods maybe, or off of a menu. That's where my food's going. 

14:03 - Mark (Host)

What else are you going to look at for me and say, all right, here's what we need to do? We need to know this. 

14:11 - Antanas (Guest)

Like, when I start working with somebody, I give them a five day food diary and you write down what you have for breakfast snacks, lunch snacks, dinner snacks, and then I take a look and then we're like, and the thing is, it's not about changing anything that you're doing, it's just about tweaking little things. Like you know, instead of getting meat from Weigmans has some good meat you go to the farmer's market. Like it's baby steps, it's incremental steps and each incremental step can be so much fun, which is why I do food safaris, because I take people on an adventure, you know, because food out there like it's kind of like a jungle, you don't know, like you could eat something and it could make you really sick. Or you could eat something and it would make you not just well but like healthy, it enhance your health. Are there? 

15:17 - Stacey (Host)

three foods you can think of like right now that cure you, that you should have, that every single person should have in their fridge. 

15:26 - Mark (Host)

Good question. 

15:29 - Antanas (Guest)

You know there's. It's so hard to make these blanket. 

15:34 - Stacey (Host)

Like I totally. I know you don't like that, but just Well, because it's not accurate. 

15:39 - Antanas (Guest)

It's really not accurate. 

15:40 - Stacey (Host)

So there's not three foods, so every person is different. 

15:42 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, I'd say water. 

15:47 - Stacey (Host)

Okay, but good water. 

15:48 - Antanas (Guest)

Good water, the best water that you can find. I have some gadgets that enhance like this water that I drink. I actually travel with this device, you know, like being not well. I was looking for all these ways to optimize what I put in my body because I know like the quality of the stuff that I put in my body determines that the growth and the outpicturing of my body. So there's this device that looks like an egg. 

16:18 - Stacey (Host)

So water is one. 

16:19 - Antanas (Guest)

Water is one. 

16:19 - Stacey (Host)

Water is two. Is Salt Okay, salt for minerals Salt, you have to have salt. 

16:24 - Antanas (Guest)

Like mineral, like mineral rich salt, not just the white stuff, because the white stuff is used to kill slugs. 

16:29 - Stacey (Host)

What's the name of the one we got together? I think it was like that. 

16:31 - Antanas (Guest)

There's Himalayan salt, himalayan pink salt. There's also Celtic salt. 

16:35 - Stacey (Host)

Celtic, that's the one we got. Yeah, on our little safari. And you get on, you get on safari, you get on safari. Yeah, it's so much fun, I need to go back. I need to do it again. So much fun, I need to do it again. 

16:44 - Antanas (Guest)

So much fun, you know. And when I go back into the stores, I'm really heartened by how like people are waking up, it's happening. They're like we don't wanna eat crap. Yeah, we care about our bodies and you provide food. 

16:59 - Stacey (Host)

It's definitely better. 

17:01 - Mark (Host)

Hey guys, thanks for listening. If you like what you're hearing, please leave us a review, give us a follow, like, subscribe, subscribe, all those things, all those things we love. It cause we read each and every comment and it helped shape the show, so we would appreciate it. 

17:14 - Stacey (Host)

Please, and back to the show. Yeah. 

17:18 - Antanas (Guest)

So like I feel, I feel inspired that, like we're going in a good direction. 

17:23 - Stacey (Host)

People are scared to salt. So like how much salt do you wanna put on food? 

17:26 - Antanas (Guest)

Like as much. 

17:29 - Stacey (Host)

And the thing is too like when I went on the safari with Antanas, he didn't shame me Like. I feel like here's what I have and you're like, oh boy, I get that. 

17:37 - Antanas (Guest)

You know, but how? About this, however? How about this Right. 

17:40 - Stacey (Host)

So wait, so salt's fine, you can put as much as you want, it's not gonna spike your blood pressure, it's not gonna. 

17:45 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, the white crap does oh okay. It's when you have the salt that has all the buffering minerals. 

17:54 - Stacey (Host)

So water salt. And what's the third one? Is it fat yeah? 

17:59 - Mark (Host)

Cause. That's what shocked me. 

18:01 - Stacey (Host)

So, Antanas, when I first met him, would take a spoonful of butter. 

18:05 - Mark (Host)


18:05 - Stacey (Host)

And eat it like raw butter and eat it. And we were all like, oh my gosh, Because of course I grew up with years and years of like no fat, you know get rid of the fat like you know, cut things down Like yeah and like you were like no, you have to have fat in your system. 

18:21 - Antanas (Guest)

Right our cell membranes. They're all made of fat. 

18:25 - Stacey (Host)


18:26 - Antanas (Guest)

So if you eat crappy fat, your body will convert the bad fat into workable raw materials to build cell walls or not. Cell walls, like plants, have cell walls. We have cell membranes. I wanna provide people a good experience around eating, you know, because every time you sit down you can either celebrate or you can curse. 

18:52 - Stacey (Host)


18:53 - Antanas (Guest)

And I'm like cursing is not on the menu. 

18:56 - Stacey (Host)


18:56 - Antanas (Guest)

It's so not on the menu. 

18:57 - Stacey (Host)


18:58 - Antanas (Guest)

Because you gotta be in love with. 

19:00 - Stacey (Host)


19:01 - Antanas (Guest)

What you're putting in your body, because your body is a vessel of love. 

19:05 - Stacey (Host)

Do you understand that? Like it's kind of, I think for some people they might look at it skeptically, but the fact is, if you can go through this process like the way you're doing it, food is digested better, like I've never been in better shape than when I was following your plan, like I felt better, that's exciting. 

19:22 - Antanas (Guest)

And then juicing. Juicing. Juicing is good because it's a concentrated infusion of nutrients and it's really important, like if you can't afford organic, then just get whatever you got, but ideally you get organic and green juice is a great baseline. So like cucumbers, celery if you don't have sunflower sprouts, parsley, some cilantro, lemon, and if that's a little too intense you do an apple. 

20:00 - Stacey (Host)


20:01 - Antanas (Guest)

Just do an apple to sweeten it up. 

20:02 - Stacey (Host)

Did I ever tell you the story how I was juicing apples and I was juicing them with the seeds? Do you know what is in an apple seed? Cyanide. 

20:11 - Antanas (Guest)

Leia true. 

20:12 - Stacey (Host)

Whatever it is. I was doing it too often and I one point was having trouble walking up the stairs and I'm like what is? Wrong with me. And then I did research on the fact that I was eating too many of those apple seeds and it was literally they were poisoning me, they were poisoning you. 

20:29 - Mark (Host)

Is that? 

20:30 - Stacey (Host)

crazy. We have the three food that were three-ish foods. 

20:33 - Antanas (Guest)

There's a lot more that can help us. Salt and water. Yeah, like you want everything you want to include, like, just like the rainbow, you want to eat Everything, all the color. 

20:41 - Stacey (Host)

I remember you telling me too, like your plate, should have all the colors on it. Like the more colorful your plate is the more healthy. It is for you. 

20:47 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, the more appropriate it is, but then there could be a period of time where you're just eating bananas. 

20:52 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, and that's okay. 

20:53 - Antanas (Guest)

That's okay. 

20:54 - Stacey (Host)

How about just peanut butter every day, all day? Yeah, probably not as long as it doesn't have, like the hydrogenated weird oil. 

21:00 - Antanas (Guest)

That's true, jeff, so like okay the fact. 

21:02 - Stacey (Host)


21:02 - Mark (Host)

I don't know what you said, Jeff. Oh dammit Jeff, Throw your Jeff out and you're skippy. 

21:08 - Antanas (Guest)

And you need to buy the, like you know, raw nuts that you chop up, yeah, you like, soak them, and that gets rid of the enzyme inhibitors, which are the things that's like? No, no no, you just buy this stuff. 

21:23 - Mark (Host)

Okay, you just buy the stuff again, food is utility to me, so it's hard for me to. I want nourishment, and I eat well. 

21:29 - Stacey (Host)

Really good point, though, cause that's what people are going to be thinking. Yeah, this is too much work for me, so how do we get? 

21:34 - Antanas (Guest)

money to switch it up. If you have money, just buy the better product. 

21:38 - Mark (Host)

Are there other things to avoid? So you know, obviously, processed foods, things like almond oil, what other like is in your all of shame? All the fake, all the fake sweeteners. Okay, yeah, I'm with you 100%. They just had that thing on it. They just melts. 

21:53 - Antanas (Guest)

It melts your brain cells. 

21:55 - Mark (Host)

Yeah, it melts your brain, causes cancer, causes cancer. Of course I need you, yeah. 

21:58 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, and then there's sucralose, which is like sugar, and bleach, which is, you know, like. 

22:07 - Mark (Host)

They're really bad for you. Do you do? 

22:09 - Stacey (Host)

that yeah, do you do those? 

22:11 - Mark (Host)

No, oh, no, no, no, I don't do any. 

22:13 - Antanas (Guest)

Great, so you're on your way. I don't do any artificial. Like you have an awareness. 

22:17 - Mark (Host)

I'm more likely to grab a sugar based something than an artificial. 

22:20 - Stacey (Host)

Right, so I have to grab some sweeten low Nope Please. 

22:23 - Antanas (Guest)

I know, I know, you know like that'll make your brain so real sugar. 

22:26 - Mark (Host)

So if you're having coffee, put real sugar in there, or honey, don't worry about it. Manage the volume, but definitely use the real stuff. 

22:32 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, yeah, um oh, eggs, eggs. Eggs are bad for you. No, they're good. 

22:38 - Mark (Host)


22:39 - Stacey (Host)


22:39 - Antanas (Guest)

Especially if you get like ask your dogs like you want the egg yolk to look, be somewhere between that yellow and that orange on your microphone. 

22:49 - Stacey (Host)

Okay, okay. 

22:51 - Antanas (Guest)

Because, again, there's the principle of the rainbow. 

22:54 - Stacey (Host)


22:55 - Antanas (Guest)

Like you want as much color as you can in your food because those colors they Eminence. 

23:07 - Stacey (Host)

No, not Skittles. 

23:08 - Mark (Host)

Not Eminence no. 

23:10 - Stacey (Host)

It has to be natural color. 

23:12 - Mark (Host)

So it can be like natural papaya. 

23:15 - Antanas (Guest)

It can be cherries, it can be, dragon fruit it can be, mangoes, it can be, you know, anything that's. 

23:23 - Mark (Host)

I'd like this for getting a blueprint. This is what I'm saying as many as much color in your diet. Obviously, stay away from process. 

23:28 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, where does your food come from? Organic Just base organic. Farm to table. Yeah, this like. Is that a basic stuff? 

23:35 - Mark (Host)

It ends up being fairly easy. Yeah, it's fairly easy. 

23:37 - Stacey (Host)

You know so, like once you get it's preparation and then your gold. 

23:42 - Antanas (Guest)

Right, and then, like the thing is, it's about getting the download, and that's why, when I work with people, I kind of insist that we work for at least three months, three to four months, because that way I get the transmission and by the end they're like oh my God, I know exactly what to do. Like, I'll give them like a chef show, Like I'll give them three ingredients and be like come up with something. 

24:04 - Stacey (Host)

What do you want your legacy to be? So when you do leave this earth thank God, not yet what do you want people to think about on Thomas and his mark on the world? Because I know you're saying you want to big, things are going to come from you. Well, I know it's kind of a big question and we didn't ask you to tell you before that was coming. But what do you want your legacy to be and what do you want people to think about on Thomas? 

24:27 - Antanas (Guest)

You know, like I, having the privilege of Not having children, I have all this time to devote to studies and this sort of pushes the edge, this like really pushes the edge. There's this notion, you know, like we're supposedly Eternally alive. But the thing that I'm exploring, and like the fact that I've made it from death store twice, it's like perhaps it's true on this notion of physical immortality and that is kind of hard to digest for people. So instead of saying physical immortality, I say living at choice, like living at choice, like I'm always choosing my experience. 

25:24 - Mark (Host)


25:25 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah so, and ultimately, empowering other people to believe that they can. You know they're not subject to some kind of tyrant or some kind of bully or some kind of PTSD or CPTSD from their past. You know it's about so. The embodiment is about clearing the past so they can be present and so they can engage in this we space dialogue. 

25:49 - Mark (Host)

So you want your legacy to be that people learn through you that they can create their reality every day and live their life every day. 

25:58 - Antanas (Guest)

Is that kind of old and enjoy it and enjoy their life and enjoy like find your body, nervous, their soul to create a system where People can get nourished, like having communities where nourishment is foundational, like we got animals, we got fields, we got food and then we got community. 

26:23 - Stacey (Host)

Like a commune. 

26:24 - Mark (Host)

Come back in time, yeah. 

26:26 - Antanas (Guest)

But you know, communes have such a bad luck. 

26:28 - Stacey (Host)

I know, but we can change that, we can totally change that you can change that. 

26:30 - Mark (Host)

Yeah, I guess Maybe that's your big thing. Oh, there you go. Yeah, bring back the commune. 

26:34 - Antanas (Guest)

Well, I mean, I kind of wanted to. In modern day America. I was really interested in creating what's called the Pleasure Monastery, where you're guided by pleasure. It's got a good title. 

26:46 - Stacey (Host)

But not hedonistic. 

26:47 - Antanas (Guest)

No, there's a difference. There's a huge difference Is it. 

26:50 - Stacey (Host)

More contentment Because pleasure. I think people are going to look at it and be like sex or like yeah, I mean. 

26:56 - Antanas (Guest)

I think that's part of the poisoning. 

26:58 - Stacey (Host)


26:58 - Antanas (Guest)

You know, pleasure is like looking at a flower. 

27:01 - Stacey (Host)


27:02 - Antanas (Guest)

Seeing a sunset, right Sniffing a blossom. 

27:07 - Mark (Host)

Like it Right. 

27:10 - Antanas (Guest)

The sex has been so suppressed that it's sort of like seeps in everywhere, and so like I look at a flower and all I see is sex, you know, it's like come on. Yeah, just honor the flower for being a flower Right you don't have to like put a vagina or a penis on the flower, you know. 

27:30 - Stacey (Host)

We went there. 

27:31 - Mark (Host)

We went there and I like it. I'm glad it happened, great and the thing, is I Sorry. 

27:38 - Antanas (Guest)

Sorry, sorry. Yeah, I mean, we could have like. Oh, this could go on for a minute we could have Game changers after dark but. 

27:46 - Stacey (Host)

I really want to find out from you for our listeners, who are going to go crazy over this. Bananas, because Bananas. Because, they want bananas, organic bananas. 

27:56 - Antanas (Guest)

Organic With lots of speckles, with speckles. 

27:58 - Stacey (Host)

You like the speckles, speckles. 

28:00 - Antanas (Guest)

Because that means. 

28:01 - Stacey (Host)

One more thing that reminds me of Antanas. When I have rotten fruit in my fruit bowl, I remember Antanas saying to me. I was like ah crap, Antanas, like all this fresh fruit I just bought has like it's all rotted. And he's like good, right, you're like good, I'm glad that the fruit is rotted, because that means it started the digestive process already for you. 

28:23 - Mark (Host)

So you should eat it. 

28:23 - Stacey (Host)

So you can eat it now. And it's going to actually come into your body in a better form and I was like what, Really? 

28:29 - Mark (Host)

It blew my kids mind. 

28:30 - Stacey (Host)

But anyway. So I want you to be able to tell the world how to get in touch with you, what you're willing to do for either the individual or whatever. 

28:39 - Antanas (Guest)

Great. What can you do? So my website is called relationalnutritioncom and that illustrates this notion that we want to relate to everything. We want to relate to our food, we want to make it speak the language our body understands, and on that website there's a bunch of pictures, and at the bottom of the homepage there is how to work with me. There's the option of doing a discovery call. 

29:08 - Stacey (Host)

We're going to put this website in the description too. 

29:10 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, like a free 20-minute discovery call where I talk to them and we figure out like if we're a good match, perfect, and then my showcase big thing that I love doing is called a nourishment immersion and it's experiential learning. So it's not about theoretical stuff, it's about doing it in your body. And the way that's arranged is like there are a bunch of altars or stations and at every single station that's where a principle of nourishment is presented. So we start with water and then salt, and then go to bone broth and then go to juicing, then go to sprouting, then go to fermenting, then there's also the snack altar which everybody contributes to making. So people are invited to start playing with us. 

30:12 - Stacey (Host)

Oh, that sounds fun. 

30:14 - Antanas (Guest)

And so all those snacks. They would be welcome at the snack altar. 

30:18 - Stacey (Host)

Oh my gosh. 

30:20 - Antanas (Guest)

Like 20s. 

30:20 - Stacey (Host)

That's the other thing that everyone needs to understand. He's very smart, but he's really fun. Like he's really really fun to hang. 

30:28 - Mark (Host)

You laugh a lot. 

30:30 - Antanas (Guest)

You'll talk about philosophical things, that you never thought you'd talk about before. 

30:34 - Stacey (Host)

You learn and you get healthy Like who would be without it. 

30:38 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, I mean, I love that, you see that. Like I don't know where you get that. 

30:43 - Stacey (Host)

You like to play, I like to play, and you'll say that Like I started playing when I was yeah. 

30:48 - Antanas (Guest)

Yeah, the pleasure. I started playing when I was making those damn sand pancakes. 

30:52 - Stacey (Host)

Yeah, In my grandmother's. Yeah, like way back. Well, this has been awesome. I don't even want to say goodbye. 

30:59 - Antanas (Guest)

Well then, just don't say goodbye. So long for now, so long. 

31:03 - Mark (Host)

Ta ta, thank you, thank you so much, thank you so much for coming.

31:10 - Stacey (Host)

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